english version below
Kallid külalised
Kutsume teid jälle peole. Telemaja ja pärnu suve peod olid edukad, ning jätkame sügisel uue hooga. Nii suure hooga et uuel peol on 2 muusikaruumi, eri stiilidele ja tempodele. Saate endale valida meeldiva atmosfääri ja inimesed.
Kuis ürituse nimest näha, valmistume sügisest talve minema, esimese jääga aeg kondid tantsusaalis soojaks kütta 😉
Peo korraldame laupäeval, 29.oktoobril Eesti Kaasaegse Kunsti Muuseumis (Põhja pst 35, Tallinn, http://ekkm-came.blogspot.com/), asume linnahalli kõrval. Alustame muusikaga umbes kella 8 paiku, enne lounge-ruumis, hiljem (umbes 22 paiku) ka suuremas, tantsuruumis.
Kuda kohale kaart http://www.box.net/shared/a6jsob7y2b48q0rtqa0p
Lounge-ruumis on sõbralike hindadega baar, seega oma jooke kaasa võtta pole vaja, baaris ei saa küll kaardiga maksta, aga sularahaautomaat on lähedal.
Muusikat igale maitsele: indie/folk, nu/acid-jazz, brazilicat, bossat kuni house, techno and dubstepini.
Esmakordselt on meie peol live esineja, lõuna-eestist “Udu + Mc Lord : Mashing Stash Up”, kes räpivad, mäshivad ja scrätchivad. eelvaatamist : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8qx793GSw4
Alustavad umbes keskköö paiku. Muu muusika eest vastutavad teile juba teada kontirireivi ja telemaja DJ’d ja mõned külalised.
Laiv: “Udu + Mc Lord : Mashing Stash Up”
Võite eventi oma sõpradele julgesti reklaamida
sissepääs flaieriga 2€/ ilma 3€
olulised kõnekontaktid
Renno +372 5155336
Janno +372 5265276
täname toetajat: skype
Dear guests,
We’re throwing another party, since spring-summer parties went well, we’re keep going on even stronger and bigger.
At new party venue, we have 2 music-spaces, one for quieter chillier sounds, another for party-banging, so that you could choose appropriate for you. Its happens at 29th of October, Saturday @ Estonian Modern Arts Museum (Põhja pst 35, Tallinn, http://ekkm-came.blogspot.com), near Linnahall.
We start around 20 o’clock, at first only at lounge room, but then after 22 also in rhythmic ballroom.
In lounge-space we do have a bar with reasonable prices, no need to bring your own booze… Bear in mind that unfortunately you could not pay with plastic in the bar, so keep you cash with you for the time being, also there is a ATM nearby.
How to get there http://www.box.net/shared/a6jsob7y2b48q0rtqa0p
Music: eclectic blend of different dance & lounge music starting from indie/folk, nu/acid-jazz, brazilica, bossa and all the way to house, techno and dubstep.
And first time ever in our party-history, there is a live act. From souther Estonia, we present you “Udu + Mc Lord : Mashing Stash Up”, who scratch, mash, rap and dub things up! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8qx793GSw4) They should begin around midnight, before and after that out regular DJ’s try to please you with best music the can think of.
Live: “Udu + Mc Lord : Mashing Stash Up”
There is also Facebook event for distribution and ongoing party-related discussion.
Feel free to distribute our event to your friends also
entrance with flyer 2€ / otherwise 3€
important contacts
Renno +372 5155336
Janno +372 5265276
we thank our sponsor: skype
Going to that party wont make you trendy, it’ll just enrich your life a bit.
But that wont make you trendy either.