Pro-Tants @Protest 27.01.2012

Pro-Tants @Protest 27.01.2012


Kutsume teid jälle peole, uuel aastal uues kohas!
Peo korraldame reedel, 27.jaanuaril Tallinnas kohvik-klubis PROTEST (Roseni 9/Mere pst 6a)
Klubihundid kes näiteks Korterit teavad, PROTEST on kohe selle vastas, terrassiga kohvik. Nagu nad ise ütlevad — sõbralike hindadega underground baar, mis on oma lohaka olemise ja asukoha poolest saanud noorte seas üheks mugavaks peo- ja ajaveetmiskohaks.

Alustame soojendusmusaga umbes kell 21, hiljem läheb rajumaks, lõpuaeg jälle määramatu. flaikuga on pilet 2, ilma 4 eurot.
Erinevalt viimasest EKKM’i peost on Protesti baaris võimalik ka kaardiga maksta, baar on sellest hoolimata sõbralike hindadega.

Muusika eest vastutavad teile juba teada resident-DJ’d ja mõned külalised.

Samuti tegime Facebooki evendi, kus saate end regada (see küll ei päästa piletiostust), kommenteerida või ka eventi oma sõpradele reklaamida:

Ning meenutuseks eelmisel peol käinutele ning tutvustuseks/reklaamiks uutele tulejatele on meil välja pakkuda täielikud salvestused koos pildiga viimase peo mõlemast saalist

olulised kõnekontaktid

Renno +372 5155336
Janno +372 5265276


Teie korralduskomitee

We’re throwing another party, since its a new year, we’re doing it at new space!
Its taking place at 27th of January – on Friday this time. And the venue is
called PROTEST (located @ Roseni 9/Mere pst 6a):

For those who know where club Korter is – Protest is right in front of that.
As the club-owners itself say — we’re a underground bar with friendly prices, which has become (due to its loose atmosphere and location )
very popular among youth for partying and just hanging out. And unlike last autumns EKKM party, in this bar youcould also pay with a plastic.

We’re staring with warm-up music at around 21 o’clock and then after that we’re getting down to serious shaking business.And no one knows when we’re stopping. Door: 2 euros with flyer and 4 without one.

Music : a few guests and knows resident DJs.

And for reminders for those who were at our previous EKKM party, plus for newcomers, here’s full recording from last party’s both ballrooms, enjoy the music:

important contacts

Renno +372 5155336
Janno +372 5265276